This is the website of Education Academy of Computational Life Sciences which ended on March 31st, 2018 due to the end of financial support from MEXT for Program for "Leading Graduate Schools". It has been left here as an archive.
Its education program is continuing in Tokyo Tech and all the information is updated on the new page.
  1. Home
  2. Students wishing to participate

Students wishing to participate

Call for Admission

Admission Requirements

ACLS Scholarship

Application Requirements

1. Application Form (Word)
Please submit to the ACLS office with your supervisor’s signature by noon on Friday, October 6.
ACLS Suzukakedai Office / Building:J3  Room:407    Box No:J3-141
ACLS Ookayama    Office / Building:Main  Room:B03    Box No:W8-93

2. Curriculum Plan
After submission of the application form, you will receive ID and password for ACLS Kyomu web system to register your curriculum plan. 
Please regisiter it by noon on Thursday, October 12.


Friday, September 29 Orientation  more information
Friday, October 6 (by noon) Deadline for submission of the application form
Thursday October 12 (by noon)  Deadline for registration of the curriculum plan
Tuesday, October 17 Interview
Wednesday, October 25 Acceptance Notification


Access & Contact



                                           Tokyo Institute of Technology        

  • Tokyo Institute of Technology Leading Graduate Schools Support Office          JSPS Program for Leading Graduate Schools

