This is the website of Education Academy of Computational Life Sciences which ended on March 31st, 2018 due to the end of financial support from MEXT for Program for "Leading Graduate Schools". It has been left here as an archive.
Its education program is continuing in Tokyo Tech and all the information is updated on the new page.
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  3. ACLS Spring Gathering 2016 (4/28)

ACLS Spring Gathering 2016 (4/28)


We are happy to inform you that we have numbers of new members who joined ACLS this year, and like to offer a meeting place for students from various grades and professors hoping you have fruitful time.

Date / Time: Thursday, April 28, 2016  19:00~
Place:  J3-406, Suzukakedai
Fee: Teaching staff: 2,000 yen,
        Students: free of charge

How to apply: Please mail to by Tuesday, April 26.



                                           Tokyo Institute of Technology        

  • Tokyo Institute of Technology Leading Graduate Schools Support Office          JSPS Program for Leading Graduate Schools

