This is the website of Education Academy of Computational Life Sciences which ended on March 31st, 2018 due to the end of financial support from MEXT for Program for "Leading Graduate Schools". It has been left here as an archive.
Its education program is continuing in Tokyo Tech and all the information is updated on the new page.
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  3. 6th Boscience and Biotechnology International Symposium (1/10)

6th Boscience and Biotechnology International Symposium (1/10)

Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Time: 13:00 - 18:30
Venue: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Suzukakedai Campus  H1 & H2 Bldgs. (Suzukake Hall)
Registration Fee: Free
Jointly organized by Tokyo Institute of Technology, School of Life Science and Technology,
and Education Academy of Computational Life Sciences
How to apply: No advanced registration required. Please register on site.
4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8501, Japan
Hitoshi Nakatogawa, Kazushi Kinbara
E-mail:bbis2018 [at]
Invited Speakers
● Simon Webb (Univ of Manchester) [vesicles, supramolecular chemistry]
● Li Yu (Tsinghua Univ) [mammals, migracytosis]
● Tsutomu Hamada (JAIST) [vesicles, soft matter physics]
● Noboru Mizushima (Univ of Tokyo) [mammals, autophagy]
● Shoji Takeuchi (Univ of Tokyo) [lipid bilayers, biohybrid sensors]
Tokyo Tech Speakers
● Atsushi Maruyama (School of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Tech) [vesicles, polymer chemistry]
● Mie Shimojima (School of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Tech) [plant, membrane lipid remodeling]

Ref. School of Life Science and Technology 6th Boscience and Biotechnology International Symposium



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