This is the website of Education Academy of Computational Life Sciences which ended on March 31st, 2018 due to the end of financial support from MEXT for Program for "Leading Graduate Schools". It has been left here as an archive.
Its education program is continuing in Tokyo Tech and all the information is updated on the new page.
  1. Home
  2. News List
  3. Pre-registration is required for Global Communication on Computational Life Sciences B and Global Debate on Computational Life Sciences.

Pre-registration is required for Global Communication on Computational Life Sciences B and Global Debate on Computational Life Sciences.


Pre-registration is required for Global Communication on Computational Life Sciences B and Gobal Debate on Computational Life Sciences.

Send the pre-registration form to by 5 pm, Sep. 30th.

Download the pre-registration form.



5:00 pm, Sep. 30th     Deadline for pre-registration

Oct.  2nd   The starting time of English level checking is noticed

      3rd    English level checking interview 

      4th    The day and time for your class is noticed

      7th~   Class start


・The maximum number of students allowed in the class is limited.

・If you are not an ACLS student, you might not be able to register yourself for the class.

・After preregistration, you have to register for the class through the ordinary web system.


If you have any questions, please contact at        

Please visit this page for Science and Technology Communication Subjects.




                                           Tokyo Institute of Technology        

  • Tokyo Institute of Technology Leading Graduate Schools Support Office          JSPS Program for Leading Graduate Schools

